Monday, April 13, 2009

I was interviewed today by a lovely young man from a local television station. He'd called this morning to ask about my involvement in the upcoming Tea Parties, more than 500 if them scheduled to be held across America this Wednesday the 15th of April, two of which I am directly involved in organizing.

We spent about a half an hour together, talking about the frustration level of tax paying citizens and the many issues that have us up in arms so to speak, demanding that our non representative representatives pay attention or find new jobs.

I suggested that it's not just the nearly 1600 page stimulus package that was pushed through and voted on before anyone but the authors had read it. And it's not just the $850 Billion and growing price tag, or even really the pork tucked into every nook and cranny of the bill.

It's not just the 20 Million Illegal aliens who are poised to profit from the Dream Act that will fast track them to citizenship ahead of all those immigrants who are following the rules, and based on the felony either they or their parents committed when they came into this country initially.

Maybe it's the fact that more than 90% of mortgages are being paid and the ones that aren't are likely to remain delinquent regardless of the bailouts and the barn-door-closing reflex of the administration

Or maybe the 300Billion tax payer dollars being paid for non citizen welfare programs, or the 2.5 million Americans who lost their jobs last year while foreign workers continue to be brought into the country to fill those positions at a rate of 1.5 million a year.

Or how about the fact that members of congress have once again managed to get a pay raise, recession or no and that every elected representative who serves one term will get that salary for life as part of their retirement package. (Oh sorry did I neglect to mention that the base rank and file salary alone is now $172,000 annually? The Speaker of the house takes down $223.5 and the majority and minority leaders make $193.4 add perks) Pretty good for a part time job.

The frustration that's boiling over all over the country is caused by these and so many other offenses perpetrated on us by the people we have placed in positions of authority, expecting them to actually represent our needs and concerns. What were we thinking?

The bail out boondoggles are bad enough, and if it were only that, it would be enough and about time people woke up and smelt the garbage Washington has been selling us.

Have we been sleeping too long? Or is there still time to take out country back? We must start by asking the questions and recognizing we no longer get what we pay for. We'll be paying and paying and our children will be paying the interest and someday we'll realize we don't remember what we initially bought, we've been paying so long and then there will be another stimulus package.

It was a lovely conversation, and we covered a variety of issues. But we've been talking too long, it's time to put feet on our frustrations and do something about real change. The kind of change many thought they were voting for in the last presidential election. Too bad change turned out to be business as usual with a twist of outrageous.

I'll be at the tea parties on Wednesday, let's see what we can brew up!

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