Monday, August 3, 2009

Snap Out of It America!

Dear friends, I have heard too often lately the lamenting of what is actually by all accounts the majority of American citizens, that Washington is not listening, not hearing our pleas, disconnected somehow from the little people.

First off, Snap out of it.


Every poll I have seen in the past two weeks shows the discontent of the voting public regarding the direction in which Washington is careening, need I add at break neck speed.

Call call call, write write write, then call again, get on the internet and use it for all it's worth as a social network. Talk talk talk, but not just around your kitchen table. That's a good start but not enough. Talk to others. You'll be surprised to learn how many of us are actually scared that if we don't do something NOW the United States of America that we grew up in will be stolen away from us and not even in the dark of night! It's being abducted as we stand in the bright light of day, slack jawed feeling powerless to stop it.

The United States of America, that started as a dream of what could be accomplished when citizens are allowed freedom to dream big and work hard has been eviscerated and it's very heart is laying on the altar of what many think is security.

This month of August holds for us an opportunity to put a face on our frustration. Our non representing representatives are taking a break from the rigors of Washington, going on “vacation” as it were from the joy of spending money that they don't have, of posturing and pontificating of their undying concern for us, the little people, who are singularly and collectively unable to think for or care for ourselves, so in their pompous condescending manner they step in to parent us. They're coming home to tell us why we should be good little boys and girls and let them do what's best for all of us because after all, they know what's best.

In a word,


Reread paragraph four, call, write, and speak your mind.

Go to the events that your representatives from Congress and the Senate hold whether they attend or they send their staff people. Require them to actually answer questions not just broadcast their talking points. Tell them that you will vote them out of office if they do not hear the voice of the people.

And when they don't listen, vote them out of the cushy jobs that they cling to in Washington. Send them back to their home states tuck tail. Then lobby for a change in the retirement plan for these people who have abused their power and the privilege of serving the people of this country. Rescind their ridiculous retirement packages and make it retroactive. I recommend the formula that the military uses when a member of the armed forces retires honorably after 20 year of actual service. A percentage of their annual salary at retirement not their whole salary after only one term in office.

Push for term limits. If it's a good idea for the president, why not congress and the senate. The founders didn't foresee career politicians, we don't need them there for continuity, we have the civilian work force for that.

And oh yeah, if the health care package they're trying to force us into is so great, they all have to settle for it as well. Let's see how they like rationed care and a bureaucrat in DC deciding with a flow chart what care they should have.

I've been dissatisfied with the antics of our leadership since my high school civics class. I've debated, nagged, pushed, argued (in both the traditional and irate sense) and cajoled and been frustrated with people who complain and shake their fists but don't do anything to change, really change government. Not change for change sake, but change that represents the actual will of the people. It's past time to accept the obligation and privilege of being an American citizen by being aware of the actions of our legislators and holding them accountable.

I've haven't missed an election since the 26th Amendment was enacted. How about you?

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